Improved Size and Strength with 16/8 Intermittent Fasting

Increased Anabolism Post-Workout

More commonly seen with those who train in a fasted state. The body seems to react differently after a fasted training session as compared to a training session done when food was consumed beforehand. I speculate that there is an increase in Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-1). The body’s cortisol is greatly increased (assuming that the workout was relatively difficult) and once you ingest your post-workout meal (ideally in a liquid form), your body quickly tries to get into an anabolic and rebuilding state. I believe this swing would overcompensate and allow for an increase in anabolism, if even for a short time.

It is okay to consume a Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) supplement before the workout. This is still considered to be fasted. The addition of BCAA may help start the repairing process sooner than a completely fasted training session in which no BCAA where used pre-workout. I don’t believe that this is absolutely necessary, as I have not used BCAA pre-workout the majority of the time. However, I think there is something to gain. I believe there is some research coming out on this soon.

Increase of Body Fat Utilization

From a body fat perspective, most people struggle, especially when trying to build muscle. I would be shocked if most people (who wanted to gain muscle) didn’t care if they had six-pack or not. Put another way, I don’t believe that people would choose not having a six-pack over having one.

A beautiful thing about IF is that it is a great tool to help decrease in body fat, even while putting on muscle. I know most people believe that this is impossible, but I don’t believe so. If you are eating the right nutrients at the right time, you can certainly gain muscle while losing fat. Personally, I think the best way to do that is through an IF setup.

When your body is in a fasted state, it doesn’t rely on food intake for energy because, well, there is none coming in. You are fasting. Therefore, it must turn to its reserve energy tank. This reserved energy tank is commonly referred to as body fat. Even the leanest of individuals have week’s worth of energy available to them in the form of body fat.

Intermittent Fasting allows your body to tap into these reserves and use them for energy. Thus, decreasing body fat.

As I’ve stated before, I don’t believe this is the best set up for everybody. I don’t put all of my clients on an intermittent fasting protocol. It’s not ideal for everybody. But for those who really respond well, it becomes a lifestyle for them. They embrace it and enjoy it. Intermittent fasting is a tool in the tool belt. Just as a house is built with many tools used in different ways, so the body is built.

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About The Author

Nick LaToof is a nutritional consultant, blog writer, and personal trainer. He strives to better those around him with solid, no-nonsense information that's applicable and repeatable. In doing so, he empowers people to live their best life and put their best foot forward in any chosen endeavor.

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