Calorie In vs. Calorie Out: Is It Really That Simple?

Everything written to this point should spring forth many more questions. The fact that there are many more questions and issues to address should give you the answer to the question in the title of this article. I think that saying weight gain is as simple as eating more than you expend and that making weight loss as easy as burning more calories than you consume is a bit of a cop-out.

The mechanisms of determining true caloric expenditure are estimations at best. Even the wearable devices such as Fitbit aren’t 100% accurate. I think they are great tools but shouldn’t be used for precise measurements. Even tracking the calories you consume is difficult because it’s not the calories you eat; it’s what your body digests. You never get 100% of the calories you consume.

As I stated at the beginning of this article, this question can bring up many other topics and questions. It’s a difficult subject and I’m afraid there is no simple answer. I believe this article will give you a clue, as it’s not as simple as it may sound. But don’t let this get you down. You don’t have to make it this difficult. Leave it to us here at to sort through the muck and give you the information you need to live your best life.

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About The Author

Nick LaToof is a nutritional consultant, blog writer, and personal trainer. He strives to better those around him with solid, no-nonsense information that's applicable and repeatable. In doing so, he empowers people to live their best life and put their best foot forward in any chosen endeavor.

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